
Why Is It Important To Define Civil Disobedience

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Why Is It Important To Define Civil Disobedience
Civil Disobedience

What is civil disobedience? What does it do? Why is it important? Is it the right thing to do? These are some of the questions that pops into one's head when they hear civil disobedience. This topic is highly debatable and different people might have different opinion on this topic. People who have suffered from some form of injustice may define civil disobedience differently from others. By definition, civil disobedience is the refusal to comply with certain laws or to pay taxes and fines, as a peaceful form of political protest. This is important because this is when a person fights through a problem without physically hurting someone. Let's look at some examples of civil disobedience in history, “The Declaration of Independence”
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They (founding fathers) felt the need to separate from Great Britain with the reason being that they weren’t being treated fairly. The intentions of our founding fathers was to settle things peacefully. That's not how it exactly turned out but they wanted to do this peacefully but they were later forced to fight. Thomas Jefferson, one of the writers of the Declaration of Independence, said that “If injustice becomes a law, Resistance becomes duty.” By saying that, Jefferson means that, if something unfair and unnecessary becomes a law, it should be disregarded, which is what civil disobedience is about, fighting for what’s right, and disregarding the law as a form of a political protest. The 3 unalienable rights, included in the Declaration of Independence, ties into civil disobedience as well. The three rights, Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, are rights that’s entitled to everyone living in the United States, these three rights cannot be taken away. These are here to keep everyone safe. Think of these law as the base and others are there to make sure the main three isn't being neglected. Most of the laws do what they are supposed to but some of them benefits one group of people, while hurting another. With that aside, the main 3’s are created to keep everyone equal and to avoid for the need of protests at

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