
Why Is Running Important To Me

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Why Is Running Important To Me
I enjoy running. Nearly every day in the fall, I run. Cross Country is not always easy for me, but I still manage to have a good time. I consider of myself as a decent runner. I am not exceptionally fast, but I am far from bad when it comes to this sport. Running is an ancient sport, possibly the most ancient of all. Humans have been running for many thousands of years. I have been running for three years. As I am currently an eighth grader, I generally run for the middle school team. In every race prior to this, I have finished second for the middle school’s small team of seven from Saint John’s Prep. Towards the end of the season I start to improve, setting a personal best at 13:32 for the two mile distance. At this point, I am very satisfied …show more content…
At the end of practice, coach is announcing the runners in the conference meet. Surprisingly, I am listed at varsity. This means I will never run middle school again. This also means I will run varsity twice. This takes off some pressure for me. The next day, I am at the meet. As I watch the first place middle schooler funnel into the chute, I realize what I am missing out on. I may have been able to win that race with relative ease. I try not to let that fact bother me. Several minutes later, I walk up to the starting line. After I stretch, there is a moment of relaxation before the race starts. I think about my goal. I tell myself that I will accomplish it. I also second guess myself a bit. I have never run a five kilometer race. Not a competitive one. I now notice the conditions. It is quite warm. Running is much easier in cool weather. I feel the sun glare down upon upon me, without even a slight breeze to cool me down. My thought process is interrupted and all of the sudden, the gun sounds. I take off fast. For the first half mile I am struggling with the lead pack. My pace seems sustainable until I trip. Though I do not fall, it definitely affects me. Even as it stops me for just a second, several people pass by me. As I try to start up again, it seems extra difficult to get back to pace. I can start to feel the effects of the weather. I am already drenched in sweat. Despite this, it fails to cool me. I now feel dryness in my throat and stiffness in my legs. Nevertheless, I continue. Although I drop to the middle of the pack, my first mile is at a quick 6:22 pace. The second and third miles slow down significantly. The conditions make for a tough time running. I do not notice where I stand until I reach the straightaway. As I look behind me, I notice that the other middle school runner is a long way behind me. I turn forward and push to the finish line. My time is 21:32, a personal best. As I cross

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