Soccer or Football? Which one is better? That’s a really good question, I think that soccer is the best because it’s not as physical, and I also think it’s better because it is played everywhere and not just in the northern part of North America. The final reason that it is better is that it takes less physical ability.
Soccer, to me, is better because it is not as physical. An average 12 high school football players die each year, usually from a concussion or a big hit to the head. I could not even find how many soccer players die each year so i’m guessing none. Football players are more likely to get a concussion because they get hit in the head more than soccer players.
The second reason soccer is better is because it
is played everywhere. Kids who want to play football competitively in other countries can’t because it’s only played in North America. With soccer they can play it anywhere because it is played everywhere.
The final reason that soccer is better than football is that soccer does not take as much physical ability as football does. You don’t have to have a big build or big body shape or a lot of strength to play soccer. Most soccer players just rely on skill and strength.
As you can tell I think that soccer is better, but everybody has a different opinion. I like football too but soccer is my favorite.