
Why Is The American Dream Still Possible

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Why Is The American Dream Still Possible
Do you think the American dream is still possible? Despite what you think the American dream is no longer possible. The American dream is to be able to work an average job and be able to pay the bills and still have spending money for wants. In today's society increased cost of living and decreased or stagnate wages have led to the American dream difficult to accomplish without a high paying job. The American Dream is no longer accessible because the economy is down, property is too expensive and hard work no longer pays off.
The American Dream is no longer possible because of increased cost of living and stagnate or decreasing wages. The cost of living is increasing, but wages are not "Nearly 83% say that there is not much left to save after they’ve paid their bills (Wallechinsky 64)". Many Americans feel like they have no money left for their selves after they pay their bills or purchase groceries and other needs. Half of the employed respondents say that they’ve experienced either increased health-care cost or a cut in health benefits over the last three
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The average price per acre of land is three thousand and twenty dollars according to farmland value guide on and the price per acre is only going to increasing. This means to fulfill the American Dream by becoming a homeowner it is going to cost money that many Americans do not have and will go into debt to buy land and build or buy a house to try and accomplish the American Dream. Home ownership has fallen to sixty-two-point nine percent in two thousand and sixteen which is the lowest home ownership has ever fallen too since it peaked in two thousand and four according to the Census Bureau. Because the land is so expensive many Americans are not able to purchase it and if they do decide to purchase it they go into debt paying trying to pay off the debt for many years. Some Americans still think the dream is still

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