We are living in an age of fast-paced development. People are spending much time and money trying to create new things or even go out of the Earth, but human beings and animals are always inter-connected. Young people (n.d.) says that: Today around 5000 species of animals and over 25000 species of plants are endangered. Since 1900 more species than ever before have become extinct, and scientists think we may even be losing one species a day at the moment. The most important reason for their extinction is the destruction of their habitats. When we save their habitats, we‟ll not only help them. More importantly, we‟ll receive benefits for economic growth, and the ecosystem. And finally, we can protect animals‟ rights. Therefore, Governments should establish more funds to save the endangered animals‟ habitats. Some critics think that they will waste their money helping to save endangered animals‟ habitats. But they don‟t have any ideas about that they will earn lots of money from ecotourism. In addition, people nowadays tend to pick ecotourism as their first choice when they want to spend their holidays. Ladkin (1999) showed that in Australia and New Zealand, 32% of visitors search for the scenery, wild plants and wildlife, as part of their trip. In Africa, 80% of tourists who visited countries in this continent named wildlife as a primary motivational attribute. In America, it was claimed that over 100 million people participated in wildlife activities, of which 76.5 million were related to viewing wildlife, and 24.7 million were interested in bird watching. This has generated over $20 billion in economic activity with an estimated growth of 30% per year. In all the cases, it was estimated that tourism in the natural and wildlife settings accounted for a total 20-40% of international tourism receipts, with an estimate that it will increase by 20-50% per year. If we spend money saving endangered
References: Armstrong, S., & Botzler, R. (Eds.). (2003). Animal ethics reader. London: Routledge. BBC. (n.d.). Animal rights. Retrieved from http://www.bbc.co.uk/ethics/animals/rights/rights_1.shtml Endangered species and medicine. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.conservemag.com/news-8.html 3 George, N. (2012). 25 primate species reported on brink of extinction. Retrieved from http://news.yahoo.com/25-primate-species-reported-brink-extinction061347135.html King, J. (n.d.). Why is ecotourism important? Retrieved from http://www.ehow.com/about_6301895_ecotourism-important_.html#ixzz28yfMmE00 Kurpis, L. (n.d.). Why save endangered species. Retrieved from http://www.endangeredspecie.com/Why_Save_.htm Ladkin, A. (1999). The links between sustainable tourism and ecotourism: A definitional and operational perspective. The Journal of Tourism Studies,10(2), 35-46. Young People Trust for the Environment. (n.d.). Endangered wildlife. Retrieved from http://www.ypte.org.uk/environmental/endangered-wildlife/26 4