
Why Violent Video Games Hould Be Banned?

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Why Violent Video Games Hould Be Banned?
Marine biology is a diverse science concerned with all aspects of plant and animal life in the sea. Marine biologists study the distribution, abundance and life histories of animals and plants in the sea and the way in which these are governed by environmental factors.

The eventual aim of marine biology is to understand marine life and to ensure the production of food from the sea at a sustained level. The field of marine biology can be divided into research and technical work:

Researchers study the marine system as a whole or focuses on a particular marine species

Technical marine biologists are more involved in collecting samples, building and testing equipment and analyzing data

Marine biologists are concerned with the effects of pollution on marine life, the effect of introducing commercially important species into the waters, identifying ecologically sensitive areas, and assisting in establishing the ecological effects of projects like the construction of harbours and piers.

Some satisfying aspects of this career
- discovering new things about marine life
- diving under water
- informing people about the latest discoveries
- working outdoors to some extent

Some demanding aspects of this career
- collecting, testing and analyzing can be time-consuming and frustrating when the water or ocean is polluted
- seeing animals suffer or die.

A marine biologist should:
- have a strong scientific aptitude;
- love nature, especially the sea;
- have an interest in the protection of natural ecologies;
- be responsible;
- be able to work as part of a team;
- have excellent physical fitness (for diving and long periods at sea on research vessels).

School Subjects
National Senior Certificate meeting degree requirements for a degree course
National Senior Certificate meeting diploma requirements for a diploma course

Each institution will have its own minimum entry requirements.

Compulsory Subjects: Mathematics, Physical

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