A Sticky Situation “Kids who chew gum during test do 26% to 36% better” (Chewing gum in school). Although many teachers do not allow chewing gum in class, students will chew gum. Chewing gum has many benefits improving memory, and makes a student more alert during class. Schools should allow students to chew gum in class.
Chewing gum helps student performance in school academics. This has been proven by, “Chewing causes our heart to pump more blood … that will help brain function better” (Chewing gum in school). Here, it proves that with our brain functioning better we can learn better and do better in tests. “In math, the United States score[s] below 29 nations and education systems in 2012 on the Program for International Student Assessment – dropping from 23rd in 2009” (Fensterwald). This shows that the test scores from students dropped down big time in 3 years. With chewing gm we can help prevent that happening. Opponent’s ma say that people should not be able to chew gum in class because they stick it under desk and chairs. If schools allow chewing gum in class then the gum wouldn’t be stuck under chairs. The only reason students do it is because the teachers bans it they don’t want to be caught, so they stick under the chairs or desks. Though students improve on their academics by chewing gum it …show more content…
This has been stated by, “the saliva produced in the mouth by the physical act of chewing can wash away acids and bacteria, thereby protecting teeth” (Gajilan). Here it tells that chewing gum can keep our teeth safe and prevent decay and diseases. Preventing Tooth decay is important because people can lose a tooth, cause an infection, and cause pain. Even though people don’t like the sound of people chewing gum, people could just chew quietly if a person could just tell them to stop chewing loudly. Although chewing gum has many benefits for people’s teeth it is also true that gum can also help with weight