A cell phone is an enormous distraction. It takes a while for new drivers to get used to paying attention to every detail, so throwing a cell phone into the mix would potentially cause a disaster. With that being said, even someone who's been driving for 30 years should not use a cell phone, as it would captivate their attention to the same extent. Banning the use of cell phones while driving would help drivers focus on all of the things that they should be focusing on, resulting in safer driving overall. Using a hand-held device is one of the highest causes for vehicle crashes. The other causes are speeding and not paying attention to the road; Both can be a result of using a hand-held device. Every year, the number of vehicle-related …show more content…
Although these laws would be beneficial, some drivers might feel as though their freedoms are being stolen from them. Everyone has the right to use a cell phone, therefore some drivers feel that using them should be at their own discretion. The responsibility of practicing safe driving should be the responsibility of the driver, not the government. If a driver is capable of operating a hand-held device while simultaneously driving, then there isn't a problem. But, if a driver is not capable of such, and gets himself in an accident, then that is his own fault and he has to deal with the repercussions. It should be understood that the decision is up to the driver and the driver needs to be prepared for whatever may happen. It would be safer for the government to take these precautions instead of ignore the fact that using a hand-held device while driving is extremely dangerous. The law will enforce appropriate driving habits and help lower the number of vehicle crashes and injuries or deaths by vehicle crashes. It will also make the roads less dangerous for the generations to come, as they will probably have even more hand-held devices to use than we do now. Overall, driving while operating a hand-held device is a bad idea, and