Often times as young adults, we think that going to college will help us choose a major or become a successful person. However, we tend to forget, or make less of a priority, that the reason we go to college is to discover who we truly are. For most people, going to college is the first time that they’ve been away from home. They have to discover how to do things on their own in order to balance the tasks of life, and with this comes a heavy responsibility. We are given this responsibility and choice to determine what kind of person we will…
Going to college has always been a goal to myself. Personally, it means more than expecting to get a good job with a high earning potential. It means the opportunity to develop myself as a person and become a valued member of society. It means, that as the oldest brother and first generation in my family with the possibility to attend college, setting an example for my younger siblings about how to shape your own path and break that mindset of “do what you have to do” and replacing it with one which says, “do something that makes you happy.”…
There are many reasons why I decided to go to college at this point in my life. I want to make my whole family proud of me, and become a better role model for my daughter. I also want to get a better and more stable job for the future, and further my education to improve my own personal well-being.…
How do we know what do we want to do when we reach college? Do we have any clue what type of career we want to work in for possibly the rest of lives? How can one know the one thing we love to do if they have never discovered that one thing in your life, your true desire if you have not ventured throughout any possibly mean of education? We have to be open to all the possibilities out there. Open to ideas we may have never heard of, ideas that you may have of thought of negatively but willing to hear out why people think it’s right and therefore leaving your mind open by listening to other people other than yourself. Do things you have never done, give yourself a chance to be all that you can be, all that you want to be.…
I have always heard people say, “College is the key to success” and “The best way you could have great job, is by going to college”. Honestly, I always believed that you do not have to go to college. I never even wanted to go to college. At that time, I felt that college was a waste of time. The reasons why I decided to go to college was to see if college is for me. Secondly, I decided to go because of my mom and my mentor. Lastly, I want to better myself as person and succeed in life.…
To say that I dedicated numerous amounts of hours deciphering the purpose of why I’m going to college would be a lie. For years I have always thought that college is somewhere you just go after high school. I believed that it is only somewhere you go to start your career and in turn make a lot of money. In fact, this “purpose” is what has been institutionalized within U.S. citizens under this Capitalist system. We are told to go to college so we can get jobs where we can make money, buy a big house, start a family, and live the lifestyles we have always dreamed of. For a very long time this was my only goal in life: to go to college so I can get a well-paying job to afford the lifestyle that I want to live. I never put much thought into what…
It was at my aunt’s birthday party, when I made the decision to attend college. She asked me that day,” Mija, are you going to college?” At first I hesitated, “Si” . Then she told me, “Are you sure because that is exactly what your older sister said and she ended up pregnant.” After hearing those words, I knew for sure I wanted to be the first in my family to attend college. I wanted to prove her what I said I meant it and was going to make it come true.…
When people first think about attending college they should realize by making this choice they are securing themselves within a career. In today’s society, the number of jobs is limited. Almost every time I look in the newspaper all jobs are now requiring some kind of training within that line of work. If people are able to find a job that requires no college or job training, they will most likely be working for minimum wage. When students chooses a career and attends college to get the education needed to fulfill that positions requirements they are giving themselves the opportunity to have a stable career throughout their lives. Attending college can be challenging and a lot of hard work; however, the payoff makes up for all the work and time spent in school. This decision can be one of the best in life because without attending school someone may be left without anything in life except meaningless jobs with no advancements.…
The reason why I'm in college is because I want a better future for myself and to show my family that I can become somebody one day. Sometimes I would say to myself like “why am I even here? This place is not the place for me “. In other words college is not for everybody because not everyone who lives with their parents who can afford for tuition for college. But for me I realize that staying alone and not doing nothing for me was the biggest mistake I ever made as young adult at the age of nineteen. Soon as I turn 20 I decided that it was time for me to do something that’s going to be right for myself which was working and going to college. The first day of me attending college was amazing meeting new people and getting to know others such as colleagues.…
I am going to college optimistically to pursue a career in Nursing. But why? I am going to college to explore myself and find out who I really am; Also to develop the skills I need to compete in a tough academic job market so I can pursue my passion particularly for the rest of my life. My college education will help me prepare for and ultimately obtain my dream job. I am going to college to pursue my education doing what I love; learning.…
There comes a time in a person’s life when they need to start thinking about their future. Of course, kids tend to think about their futures from an early age. We’ve all wanted to be princesses and ninjas, pirates and fairies, superheroes and singers. But there’s a time to start thinking about your future reality-wise. In the modern era, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to obtain a job without an education past that at the high school level. While college is set up as a luxury, it’s evolving into a necessity. College is something I definitely see for myself in the future although not for the same reason. Personally, I would like to be able to learn about what I want to do and learn how to do it to the best of my ability. Going to college…
My dream is to build my very own business, and I believe The George Washington University will help me become a well-rounded, generally educated, and most importantly, socially conscious businessman. I am excited about beginning the management curriculum, and I am currently taking AP Microeconomics at my high school. This foundation has been encouraging, and I am already looking forward to the sort of upper end classes I will be able to take at The George Washington University. I am especially fascinated by the possibility of studying “International Financial Environment”, because I am particularly curious about learning the factors that affect the world market. I have always excelled in math, and I wish to…
College is one of the periods of life where there is most growth, both personally and academically. Going to college is a very challenging yet rewarding experience. It brings people out of their comfort zones personally, whereas academically, people get to focus more on what they are good at. In my case, it will be a challenge to adapt to the college environment at the same time that it will be very comfortable to finally study subjects that truly interest me. This exciting challenge is the main reason I want to go to college. Most people want to go to college to get a degree and earn a lot of money, which leads them to more expensive and selective colleges. I, on the other hand, intend to focus more on the course and the subjects I will study.…
“A college shows a man how little other people know. Education is not preparation for life, education is life itself.” During the interview with the college students or former ones, they all say that I must focus on my education if I want to pursue my dreams as a scientist or as a FBI agent. I believe that college is the best path for me after high school. This is because college can help give me a higher level education, get me a better job, and help me find my own path. After graduating in a college or a university, I want to work as a biologist, astronomer, or as a FBI agent.…
As I sit here with my mind thinking about the future and how I’m goanna get into a 4 year college and attempt to piece together an answer for the question. I think to myself and ask another question and that’s why do I want to go to college.…