
Why I Want to Be a Healthcare Professional

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Why I Want to Be a Healthcare Professional
Growing up I have always had a love for medicine. When prompted the famous question: what will you be when you grow up? The answer came readily and with assurance: A Doctor". My childhood dream had always been to be a doctor, but that dream never seemed to materialize as I found myself doing other things and going into other profession. Of recent I have found myself yearning to go back and fulfill my childhood dream of being a healthcare professional. It started all over again, a few years ago when my brother fell ill and had to be admitted for a tumor, which also affected his thyroid. During his treatments, the physician and the radiology technicians went beyond great efforts to comfort my brother. The staff built confidence in my brother through their continues communication. If you ask my brother today, he would tell you that the care and dedication of the radiology staff was one of the reasons his health improved.
I strongly believe that health is more than the absence of disease, and care is more than the provision of diagnostic and treatment services. My brother's story illustrates this very belief. One must not get tied up in the negatives that have surrounded the health care profession, but rather focus on the positive aspect of health care, which is one of the reasons I am applying for the radiology program. No matter the changes and advances in technology that occur in the health care profession, one thing will always remain unchanged; the "face-to-face interaction with patients is the most powerful diagnostic and therapeutic resource".
Radiology is both an art and a science. It is a blend of technological know-how, a scientific mind, a compassionate heart, and healing hands. The radiology profession is concerned with the physical aspect of health and illness, as well as the psychological, social, and spiritual dimensions of health and wellness. Every job has attributes that are valuable as a radiologic tech. In my current job as an administrative

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