My Purpose in Life
It is not hard to write about why I want to be a radiographer. Some people may tend to sit in front of the screen thinking for minutes or hours to write the first sentence. It was simple for me I want to help people. Throughout my life, I was always interested in helping people and fascinated with the medical field. I was not certain in what I wanted to do in the medical field, but I knew whatever it was it was going to make me a better person.
A few years back I was in a car accident and injured my back. I had an MRI and some basic x-rays done. While in the care of these highly trained and friendly technicians, I came to realize this is what I wanted to do. I believe that our soul purpose in life is to help others. Since my car accident, I realized how I could accomplish my main goal in life. I can help people by being a radiographer. It may sound a little clichéd my story, but it is the truth. Since I have been attending college I thought about being a nurse then a dental hygienist, but I never had that feeling that most people get when something is right. The feeling when you find that special or right thing. Like buying a house, car, or even finding that special someone. The sensation is a warm enthusiasm feeling that consumes the heart. It is a feeling that takes all control of all emotions. When I realized and was introduce into the field, I knew it was love at first sight. I wanted to know more about radiology.
Before I joined the military, I did some observation in the E.R. in a hospital on Long Island, New York. I observed and spoke to a few radiology technicians and the more I discovered about the field the more I knew it was for me. I enjoy being active and being on my feet. In