Marine Bio
Key Largo Essay
September 28, 2013
Key Largo
Being able to go on the Key Largo trip this year would be amazing! I remember hearing my cousins and even some friends that have gone in the past years talk about how much fun they had, and how it was a once in a lifetime experience. They told me that once the opportunity came around to take it, so I did. I can remember my first time ever snorkeling. I was six years old vacationing with my family in the Bahamas, Nassau to be exact. I can remember my sister and me holding hands, counting to three, jumping off the boat and into the water without a care in the world. It was so much fun free diving down to the reefs, but we weren’t allowed to touch anything or we would be in big trouble. They also gave us each a bag of food to feed the fish in hopes that they would get close to us. Once we were all in the boat one of the tour guides jumped in the water and brought a starfish and conch shell on board. At first he wouldn’t let me touch it because I pronounced the name wrong. The animals were returned safely to the water and placed back on the reefs. The next year’s vacation was the Dominican Republic. This was also the first time I went swimming with sharks and stingrays. The only thing I did not like about this trip was the fact that the sharks and sting rays were stuck in a cage. But it was also the first time I got to swim with dolphins in a controlled environment to ensure no harm to the animals or myself. The last vacation was snorkeling in Cancun Mexico. Even my grandma went on this trip with us. This was the last time I went snorkeling, other than in my pool, but it’s not the same experience. By going on this Key Largo trip I am hoping to relive and make some of my own memories my senior year. I am also looking forward to experimenting and observing all the different animals Marine Lab has to offer. Maybe I can also find a career in the marine biology field seeing