As per the Gadgil (2011) report the proposed area which is part of the Western Ghats is the inhabitants of enormous rarer flora and fauna. Under this circumstance, the Athirappilly- highly bio-diversified area is under the threat of existence. Here the local community and the environmentalist made the struggle against the dam project. Here the women also are part of the women and some were among the leaders. Though, many studies and report was done about the dam and the movement against dam. Here the researcher tries to analyze the involvement of the women in the agitation. The researcher also makes the connection between the eco-feminism as theory and the practically of what happen in the place. Does the women participate only they were connected to the nature? Or does it have any other reasons for their …show more content…
Ethical Concern As a researcher, who pursing the post-graduation in the social work discipline, the researcher has to be concern about the ethical issue in the research process and also hold the ethical principles of the scoila work research.
• Informed consent: As part of the ethical concerns, the researcher takes the informed consent of the participants of the research. . The participants are informed of the purpose of the research as the fulfillment of the MA program in the social work discipline. The researcher will keep the statements and opinions of the participants of the researcher of highly confidential and also keep the anonymity of the participants.teh consent document must written in lay language and avoid technical terminology and strange jargons.
• Disclose: As the researcher is dealing with the movement, as the area of prominent conflict and tension, the research never disclose the information to any others or even government officials or media.
• Understanding: The participants of the research must understand the requirement of the questions during the research study process. And also avoid the personal query if that is not relevant for the