The current practice of evidence based nursing and supporting the use the intervention is essential for the provision of care of patient care, evaluating, implementing and optimizing the highest quality care to our patients and knowing the parameters used doctors established in our country, relying on ANA and, trying to optimize patient outcomes. The studies and investigations that have been made and are still being shown the best results when the best evidence and intervention is used in providing patient care.
The evidence based medicine is the conscientious, explicit, and judicious use of current best evidence in making decisions about the care of individual patients. The practice of evidence based …show more content…
The evolving phase of nursing is based on research and knowledge of nurse.
1. Questioning. The need to ask questions. Component of structure questions. Consructions of the question in the context prioritazation. Types of questions and study designs.
2. Location of evidence: Source of information. Search strategies.
3. Qualitative reseach: Perspective and qualitative research methods. Methodology qualitative an quantitave methodology. Assesment of the quality of qualitative research. Evaluation criteria of the quality of qualitative studies.
The benefits and limitations of the interventions are:
• Patients receive better care and promote effective individual attention to each of them.
• The professionals have the assurance that our practice is based on research.
• The intervention is applied with a multidisciplinary vision, teamwork.
• Improvements communications clinical skills with patients.
• Increase the interest and encourage promoting continuing educations.
Limitations of the intervention:
• The lack of valid research results and on some issues.
• The impediments to implement the results in her patient