
Women's Rights In The 19th Century

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Were you engaged with women’s rights in the nineteenth century? Or do you ever wonder what it was like to be a woman back in the days? The term women’s rights are rights and freedom that are set for women and girls of all kind. In which is now formed into women’s rights and the feminist movement which was around the 20th century. In some countries, these rights are supported by law, but in others, women’s rights are being ignored and they, are being oppressed on the regular basis. In the following report called, Stepping Through History, it highlights a timeline with some of the popular issues associated with the movement of women’s rights which consist of; right to vote, to work, to fair wages or equal pay, to own property, the right of education, …show more content…

In John Locke’s writing, the Second Treatise of Government, he explained the important status of women. Some of his arguments were, women are not property, if a father isn’t around the kids life then the women remain power over children, as well as if women aren’t happy in their marriage they were able to make a choice to abandon the marriage, also kids are supposed to respect the mother and the father the same. Locke addresses the point where children are supposed to respect their parents the same in chapter 6, “The phrase ‘paternal power’ is probably an example of this. It seems so to place the power of parents over their children wholly in the father, as though the mother had no share in it” (John Locke). By having children respect their mother Locke is given women power because he does it without the limitation of men. Locke said, “The child’s duty of honour gives the parents a perpetual right to respect, reverence, support and compliance too, in proportion to how much care, cost, and kindness the father has put into the child’s upbringing” (Locke). If the children honor their father it will not affect how much they honor their mother. The children are caring and honoring both parents the same. It is clear that this argument confronts limitation. Although Locke’s view …show more content…

As said in his quote, “In these arguments, sir, I am not trying to get anything for myself; I plead not for myself but for my for my sex. My own personal wants, anyway, amount to very little. For many years I have regarded independence as the great blessing of life” (Wollstonecraft). The main point she aims to get across is women don’t need to have power over men, they should have power over themselves. Which is important because it shows how women are independent. She didn’t propose women to have better education, she wanted men and women to both be educated the same. She said, “Fighting for the rights of women, my main argument is built on this simple principle: If woman isn’t fitted by education to become man’s companion, she will stop the progress of knowledge, because truth must be common to all; if it isn’t it won’t be able to influence how people in general behave” (Wollstonecraft). Women should have the same rights as men and they should be allowed to work in the same job field. Wollstonecraft argues that those who think women are rational creatures and are slaves to their passions should prove it. For instance, women gained power with the following; the right to vote, and the advantage of working. Women are now receiving more rights than they had in the past. Moreover, with the smallest gain of rights for women comes with an exchange of a new role in society. A lot of women in

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