Question 4
Roles and perceptions of women as viewed through the lens of ancient Greek myth: …show more content…
They mainly performed simple works which included baking bread, spinning, cooking, serving, cleaning and fetching of water. Some like the Hetaera were in high demand in the male society as they played the role of conversationalists, entertainers prostitutes, and courtesans. They were observed as subservient to men and men were the heads of their families. They seemed inferior socially. Moreover, they played a role in art, one of their roles was to inspire other women in the society. With the slight drift of time, women acquired the role of writers and poets, artists and historians. Tilling the land, and minding oxen and sheep was a regular exercise done by all, they weaved, grind grain, direct servants and mind children, displayed as sex objects a role they exercised with their male counterparts. On security issues, women took no share in the military that was seen as a male