Nowadays balancing between work and non-work life has become one of the major social and family concerns. It has been found that, working stress or family conflict may have negative impact on employee work performance and productivity (Pleck et al., 1980). The main objective of this essay is to find the prevalence of the role conflicts in work and non-work domain and probable influences of this on the family, society and the organizations at large. The discussion will start with a clear understanding of work and non-work issues. Spillover cost-benefit in work and non-work relationship will then be critically evaluated. Next, a critical evaluation on the threefold typology (extension, opposition, neutrality) of work non-work relationship shall be presented. For the better understanding of the work-leisure relationship, work load and technological impact on leisure shall be described with critiques and evidences by several writers. Then, work-life balance, with the role of women in workplace will be discussed. Next, Complexity of relationships, mutual interference between family and work shall follow the discussion. Finally, a need for supporting home-work culture shall be evaluated. Work life stresses of extra working hour or workloads may affect the non-work life, for example, family life could be vulnerable due to the work life stress. Mageni and Slabbert (2005) asserted that, the sensitivity of WFC is related to individual’s value system. Social support at work may help to reduce the work-family imbalance and all other negative outcomes of WFC (Markset al., 2001).
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