Journal of Management and Strategy
Vol. 3, No. 1; February 2012
Attribution Theory and Strategic Decisions on Organizational Success Factors
Professor Ben E. Akpoyomare Oghojafor Department of Business Administration University of Lagos, Lagos State, Nigeria Olufemi Olabode Olayemi (Corresponding author) Department of Business Administration University of Lagos, Lagos State, Nigeria Tel: +234-1-802-370-5627 E-mail:
Olukunle. O. Oluwatula Department of Psychology, Redeemer’s University (RUN) RCCG City, Ogun- Nigeria Tel: +234-1-802-370-5627 E-mail:
Patrick Sunday Okonji Department of Business Administration University of Lagos, Lagos State, Nigeria Tel: +234-1-803-578-9583
Received: August 20, 2011 doi:10.5430/jms.v3n1p32 Abstract
Accepted: December 23, 2011
Published: February 15, 2012
This study examines the pattern of attributions of managers in business organizations as they relate to strategic decisions on critical success factors including personnel, market leadership and customers’ loyalty. A survey of 60 managers was conducted in Lagos, Nigeria and some psychological measures were administered to them. The results show that managers attribute strategic decisions on personnel, market leadership and customers’ loyalty to effort, ability and nature of the task. Managers with personality traits of extraversion and conscientiousness show similar pattern of finding. The study concludes that inter causes of attributions principally serve as basis for strategic decision making. The implications of the study are also discussed. Keywords: Strategic Management, Attribution, Extraversion, Conscientiousness, Critical Success Factors 1. Introduction Research on psychological foundations of strategic management appears to have become a topical issue in the field of management. Strategic management may be described as the process