As we enter the 21st century, workforce diversity has become an essential business concern. In the so-called information age, the greatest assets of most companies are now on two feet (or a set of wheels). Undeniably, there is a talent war raging. No company can afford to unnecessarily restrict its ability to attract and retain the very best employees available.
Generally speaking, the term “Workforce Diversity” refers to policies and practices that seek to include people within a workforce who are considered to be, in some way, different from those in the prevailing constituency.
The world 's increasing globalization requires more interaction among people from diverse cultures, beliefs, and backgrounds than ever before. People no longer live and work in an insular marketplace; they are now part of a worldwide economy with competition coming from nearly every continent. Therefore, organizations need diversity to become more creative and open to changes in order to achieve organization efficiency and effectiveness. Maximizing and capitalizing on workplace diversity has become an important issue for management today.
II. Types of Diversity
a. Surface level diversity are those differences that are easily noticeable such as age, gender, ethnicity/race, culture, language, disability, etc. Surface level diversity is easy to be measured and managers/recruiters can fall into the wrong practice of discrimination based on these factors. For example, thinking that performance degrades with age, they might prefer younger workforce. Surface level diversity is often difficult to change. For e.g. racial differences cannot be scaled down to zero.
b. Deep level diversity
Deep level diversity on the other hand, are not easily noticeable and measurable since they are communicated through verbal and non-verbal behaviors. Examples are personal differences in attitudes, values, beliefs and personality. Deep level diversity usually starts with
References: 1. Williams C. (2007). Management (4th ed.). Thomson South Western. 2. Maret 12, 2013, from Rob McInnes, Diversity World - 3. Maret 12, 2013, from http://www.diversityresources.compadvan.htm. 4. Robind and Judge. Organizational Behavior 13th Edition