Workforce Diversity, Labor Unions and Collective Bargaining, and Global Human Resource Management are three major topics related to human resources. The author of this paper will discuss the main issues related to each topic, discuss new learning including class activities that helped to facilitate learning and understanding, discuss the relevance to work and how it may be applied today and in the future, and how it may impact my future career and personal goals. The author will also readdress each topic critically and present a Biblical Worldview for each. The emphasis of the paper will be on the application – current and future and its relevance to the workplace and to the potential impact to the author’s future career and personal life goals.
Workforce Diversity
Main issues related to topic
“Diversity refers to any perceived difference among people: age, race, religion, functional specialty, profession, sexual orientation, geographic origin, and lifestyle, tenure with the organization or position, and any other perceived difference.” (Mondy, 2012, p. 47) It is important that every difference among people is treated respectfully in the workforce community. It is especially important for management to encourage the development of a diverse workplace. Diversity fosters trust and communication which is necessary for organizations to stay competitive in the marketplace.
Not so long ago the workforce was nothing like it is today. Diversity was something that took years to take place. It took Supreme Court decisions, legislature and executive orders to create the diversity we see in the workforce today. Many acts such as the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 helped to shape the world’s workforce. Since the passing of these and many others there has and continues to be adjustments to equal employment opportunity. Our economy would be unable to survive in
References: Barhem, B., Hassan, Y., & Smith, P. C. (2011). Ranking the future global manager characteristics and knowledge requirements according to UAE business managers ' opinions. Education, Business and Society: Contemporary Middle Eastern Issues, 4(3), 229-247. Buttner, E. Holly, Lowe, Kevin B., & Billings-Harris, Lenora (2010). Diversity climate impact on employee of color outcomes: Does justice matter? Career Development International, 15(3), 239-258. Choi & Rainey, Hal G. (2010). Managing diversity in U.S. federal agencies: Effects of diversity and diversity management on employee perceptions of organizational performance. Public Administration Review, 70(1), 109-121. The Holy Bible new international version. (1978). New York, NY: Zondervan Bible Publishers. Kuhlmann, T., & Hutchings, K. (2010). Expatriate assignments vs localization of management in China: Staffing choices of Australian and German companies. Career Development International, 15(1), 20-38. Merrill, Michael (2010). Even conservative unions have revolutionary effects: Frank Tannenbaum on the labor movement. International Labor and Working-Class History, 77, 115-133. Mondy, R. Wayne (2012). Human resource management (12th ed.). Upper Sadle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.