Having a job where you are constantly working with the public can become very overwhelming at times. I currently work at La Vita’s II Pizzeria where I have many responsibilities that come with my job. My job is to take pick up and delivery orders, answer phone calls, wait on tables, and clean the dining area as well as the counter area. Majority of the days I work aren’t too bad, but when I work from open to close it becomes a lot and can stress me out sometimes. I’m usually the only person working so it becomes a lot of work when you don’t have help. I would say that I am good at my job because I think that I am good at dealing with people. Sometimes orders get wrong and I have to deal with the unhappy and disappointed customers. …show more content…
Before working at La Vitas II, I used to work at shop rite as a cashier. Even though a cashier and a waitress are very different, I know I learned a lot from there that I still use today as a waitress. Being a cashier at a super market makes you learn a lot about dealing with people on a day-to-day basis. Not everyone is good at working with the public because people can be very rude and most of the time you can’t say anything back, you just need to smile and work the situation out to make the customer happy. I would say that being good with people is definitely a quality that is needed in being a waiter or waitress, or anything that deal with the public. In my opinion, you also have to enjoy interacting with people since you are constantly around them and working with them. I personally feel that I am good at working with people and that’s one reason why I feel like I do a great job doing what I am supposed to. I like to work with people and help them get what they want. I have always been interested in a job where I am there to help people