What of kind of written messages do you write? What kind of face to face interactions (presentations, meetings, interview, etc) are you involved in? Which of these messages do you regard as relational, which are transformational, which are informational, which are promotional?
First of all, I am responsible for a communication with the Stock Eschange. I preprare director’s reports on company’s operations (INFORMATIONAL).
Moreover, once the reports are published, I have to write a press release summarizing the most important information and financial results (INFORMATIONAL).
Once the press release is written, I need to prepare a presentation for investors and also for the Supervisory Board of the Company related to the published report (INFORMATIONAL, PROMOTIONAL).
Next thing to do is to organize a press conference with analysts and press or separate conference for analysts and separate for press. I also coordinate interviews with the particular members of the Management Board with press (INFORMATIONAL, RELATIONAL).
Other times I am involved in roadshows which are basically meetings with current and potential investors. I am presenting the company, its history, its future and help also the Management Board in answering questions of interested parties (RELATIONAL, TRANSFORMATIONAL).
According to an analysis of my personal evaluation sheet:
a. I feel that areas I am strong in as a business communicator involve communication which is: ENGAGING, ACTION-ORIENTED, LOGICAL, FOCUSED, CREDIBLE AND OPEN. The most dominant, however, is ACTION-ORIENTED and FOCUSED.
b. My associates view my communication as INNOVATIVE, ACTION-ORIENTED, CREDIBLE AND OPEN. This is not exactly what I would have thought. I do not find any explanation but it is actually nice they see it the way described above.
c. Going further, I would like to develop communication which would be more POWERFUL, CREDIBLE and PERCEPTIVE.