If I was a teacher for a day I would buy pizza for everybody, eat most of it myself, and let you do what ever you liked. That would probably mean the teachers having a day of from work, so I guess you all know where you would all be. Sitting on the lounge flicking the T.V remote. Now doesn’t everybody want a teacher like that? But no. Life isnt like that. If you wish to become a teacher one day you have to work hard to achieve that goal. It is the same with everything. You wouldn’t just become a professional athlete in an hour. You have to long hours of traing to reach that goal. It can be hard but if you put the time and effort into doing what you want to do then you will achieve your dream. Now if I was really going to be a teacher for a day I would probably be out of school in ten minutes. I don’t know how the teachers can cope. But if I was ateacher for an actual day I would help out if there was a problem and try and help you sort if out. I would also be the best teacher I could possibly be for that day. But sometimes, teachers can’t always be there to help out so you may need to work out your problems for yourself. So sometimes it is hard for teachers to deal with thing such as handing out the books while attempting to keep the class in order. So ocassionally we all just need to step in and help out. It is exactly the same at home. Say for instants your brother was sick and your mum needed to do the house work while trying to comfort your brother.
Although it looks fun at being a teacher for a day as a kid I think it would be hard work. So maybe I should just leave it up to the professionals. Thank you for listening.
Although it looks very fun to be a teacher for a day, it would be hard work. So I think I will leave it up to the professionals.
Thank you for listening.