Spelling Problems
form of communication using symbols (letters of the alphabet, punctuation and spaces)
allow pupils to put their thoughts and ideas in a readable form Spelling
the process of writing or naming the letters of a word
helps to cement the connection between the letters and their sounds. Writing Problems
difficulties with spelling words and expressing thoughts
Writing and Spelling Problems
trouble remembering the letters in words
the features of language that those letters represent.
Writing and Spelling Problems
weaknesses in underlying language skills
ability to analyze and remember the individual sounds in the words and the meaningful parts of longer words.
Writing and Spelling Problems
often make errors in writing even a short sentence
can be detected in the use of both spoken language and written language
Because the CCC approach has been shown to effectively improve accuracy and fluency of material for students within a variety of settings and across subject areas
(Skinner, McLaughlin, & Logan, 1997).
This approach has been particularly effective for students with learning disabilities in improving spelling, mathematics, and handwriting skills (Nies &
Belfiore, 2006).
In the CCC 's simplest form, it requires pupils to:
1. look at an academic stimulus and cover the academic stimulus
2. respond by copying the stimulus
3. and evaluate the responses by comparing it to the original stimulus
(Skinner, et al., 1997).
at the WORD, then
cover it up
Copy the word you saw
Uncover your paper and compare the word you wrote with the correct spelling
You can now proceed to the next item!
Write the correct spelling and Try Again!
Now let’s try!
Advantages of CCC
It is private and geared toward the individual
Have self-evaluation procedures
Provide immediate reinforcement for accurate responses (McLaughlin & Skinner, 1996)
Advantages of CCC
References: Jaspers, K. (2009). "How and to What Extent Do Two Cover, Copy, and Compare Spelling Interventions Contribute to Spelling, Word Recognition and Vocabulary Development?. " PhD diss., University of Tennessee, 2009 Elementary Education, 2012, 4(2),p418-419. Retrieved November 11, 2014, from Intervention Network EBI Brief, p1. Retrieved November 12, 2014, from http://ebi.missouri.edu/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/EBIBrief_Cover-copy-compare_2010.pdf Retrieved on November 13, 2014, from https://www.msu.edu/course/cep/886/Writing/home.htm English Club (2014). Writing. Retrieved November 11, 2014, from https://www.englishclub.com/writing/ International Dyslexia Association (2008). Spelling and Dyslexia. Reading Rockets.Retrieved November 13, 2014, from