Yes. Students may write as many tasks as they wish. However, teachers have some say in how many tasks they will give first draft feedback for, above the required minimum; it is not reasonable for students to submit many extra tasks and expect repeated feedback. Nor is it acceptable for students to repeatedly submit ”extra” tasks that are in fact slightly altered versions of the same material. Teachers should approach the creation of written tasks as an exercise, and accustom students to the idea that designing and producing documents in the target language is a part of the teaching and learning process.
Can teachers choose the tasks that will be submitted to the IB for examination?
No. The student is responsible, with the teacher, for deciding what their assessment portfolio should contain.
Do all the students have to submit tasks on the same topic and text, or can a class of students each submit a different combination of tasks (so they can all select their “best” pieces)?
Students decide which written tasks they will submit for assessment. Teachers may not direct or control their selection.
How much guidance can a teacher give the students? Is it acceptable for the teacher to tell the students to produce a written task on a particular area of study, or using a particular text type?
Teachers may require students to complete a written task linked to a certain topic or text, but the students must be allowed to decide what the task will be, the approach they will take, and the text type they will produce, if the task is to be considered for inclusion in the final assessment portfolio.
Is there a list of acceptable text types? Can a student choose to produce a cartoon or an advertising poster?
A list of text types is provided in the Language A: language and literature guide (February 2011), in the section “Syllabus content”— see “Further guidance: Parts 1