Thursday, July 11, 2013
Philosophy 103
4.1 The Components of Categorical Propositions
1. quantifier: some subject term: executive pay packages copula: are predicate term: insults to ordinary workers
2. quantifier: no subject term: stressful jobs copula: are predicate term: occupations conductive to a healthy lifestyle
3. quantifier: all subject term: oil-based paints copula: are predicate term: products that contribute to photochemical smog
4. quantifier: some subject term: preachers who are intolerant of others’ beliefs copula: are predicate term: not television evangelists
5. quantifier: all subject term: trials in which a coerced confession is read to the jury copula: are predicate term: trials in which a guilty verdict can be reversed
6. quantifier: some subject term: artificial hearts copula: are predicate term: mechanisms that are prone to failure
7. quantifier: no subject term: sex education courses that are taught competently copula: are predicate term: programs that are currently eroding public morals
8. quantifier: some subject term: universities that emphasize research copula: are not predicate term: institutions that neglect undergraduate education
4.2 Quality, Quantity, and Distribution
1. Letter: E Quantity: Universal Quality: Negative Subject and predicate are distributed
2. Letter: A Quantity: Universal Quality: Affirmative Subject is distributed
3. Letter: I Quantity: Particular Quality: Affirmative No terms are distributed
4. Letter: O Quantity: Particular Quality: Negative Predicate is distributed
5. Letter: A Quantity: Universal Quality: Affirmative Subject is distributed
6. Letter: E Quantity: Universal Quality: Negative