The word count is there for guidance purposes only.
Explain the sequence and rate of each aspect of development from birth to 19 years. You may find a timeline useful as part of your explanation.
[500 words]
Age: Social Development Physical Development Intellectual Development Communication & Language Development Emotional Development
3-9 months Reacts well to others, particularly to those they know well.
Recognises their name, makes noises as part of communication
Sees themselves away from others Will start to move their head to see others and objects.
Roll over, start to pull up, move round holding furniture.
Will start to sit unaided at around 6 months. Recognises individual faces.
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Play equipment encourages climbing.
Tricycles help peddling.
More complicated designs are used when using construction. Understands the meaning of facial expression.
Instructions followed using two information carrying words.
Understanding of right and wrong starts. Number of used words grown to around 300.
Sentences expand.
Understanding of body parts.
Simple messages can be understood and repeated. Reassurance still required in new scenarios.
Frustrations grow with independence thus leading to tantrums.
Sense of danger is yet to develop.
3-5 years Starts to play ‘with’ other children as opposed to alongside them. Independence continues usually in the form of getting dressed on their own, going to the toilet on their own.
Slowly starting to learn how to share. Most children are now clean and dry.
Able to run easily.
Most can use a tricycle. Fine motor skills for example using scissors continue to improve. Learning is still very much through play.
They like to try things out using texture, shapes, and different colours.
Can re-tell a simple story.
Concentration increases.
Takes in information using language. Number of known words increase from around 900 – 1500.
Many questions are asked.
Will ask for …show more content…
May take a bit longer to forget an argument with others.
7-12 years They enjoy being part of a group.
Language may be used in a negative way when voicing opinions.
Will also play on their own well.
Will look for approval from friends more than their parents/carers.
Cooperation with others improves. Milk teeth will start to fall out.
Appearances changes, taller and thinner.
A lot can ride a bike without stabilisers. Ability to read and write continues.
Attention span increases.
Activities involving rules are enjoyed.
Information is sourced from various places such as internet, asking others. Very large vocabulary of around 4000 – 10,000 words.
Further intricate reading and writing.
Retell events in great detail.
Sense of humour develops. Appreciates other feeling more.
Still prefers for their own things. Develops a sense of achievement and competitiveness.
Becomes naturally conscious of the world around them.
12 – 16 year olds. Still enjoys others being around and will have some closer relationships.
Approval from friends is likely to be more important than that from parents/adults.
Likely to want to do team