Bahram Kazemian1 & Somayyeh Hashemi2
This study aims at contrasting and comparing inflectional bound morphemes of English, Azerbaijani and Persian languages in details to pinpoint any similarities and differences between them. To do so, an inventory of Azerbaijani, Persian and English inflections with examples and illustrations are listed to highlight their similarities and discrepancies. There are restricted numbers of inflections in each language and are utilized to indicate aspects of grammatical function of a word. Results reveal that there are more varieties of inflections in Azerbaijani language than in English or Persian and; they share some common properties as well as several dissimilarities. English and Persian represent more irregularity in terms of plurality for nouns and affixation for verbs; Azeri incorporates numerous inflections into each category as well. The differences are the major source of difficulties for a native speaker of Azeri or Persian to learn English and vice versa. To overcome this, teaching should be effectively and efficiently managed at these different points to smooth the path for learners. Based on the findings of the study, some implications can be drawn for translators, textbook writers, syllabus designers, learners and instructors involved in language pedagogy.
Keywords: contrastive analysis, Azerbaijani and Persian languages, inflectional morphemes
Contrastive analysis has been an essential and systematic branch of applied linguistics which deals with the linguistic description of the structure of two or more different languages.
Such descriptive comparison and contrast serve to show how languages differ in their sound system, grammatical structure and vocabulary. This type of analysis can be used in language teaching, translation, and of
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