Have you ever wanted to rule trillions of dollars worth of land and be able to change it with a snap of your fingers????
Being a CEO is the best job because you get an amazing pay of one hundred million. A CEO is a person who rules a whole company it stands for chief executive officer.
Being a CEO has a lot of benefits to being a CEO besides money. Here are some of the pros of being a CEO. One is you get to hire people only who your happy and comfortable with, another is you get a lot of power and command. Also when you make your decision you can see immediate results. Many of the time the CEO will make decisions that will change the world and change your perspective of it. Also you have so much money you don’t know to do with it!! As a CEO you can also brag about how soundly you sleep at night and how much money you make and even what to do with all your mansions and cars, basically you got them bragging rights.
Like many things being a CEO has its bad side, here are some of the substandard things of being a CEO. Having employees can be a gift or a curse, because if you need employees to help you do errands they can be a gift but if they just come complaining for a higher pay or a promotion that can be a curse The other thing is if you make mistake you are blamed for every thing. This job can also be quite stressful because of the economic competition and all those news reporters asking all these weird questions such as “excuse me sir but when the last time was your company had a failing project such as this one”. This would really get to your nerve or tick you off after a long exhausting, fatiguing