Is there a higher power? How mighty is this power? These two questions do not have a right or wrong answer but for many people, they are definitely hard questions to answer. However, for me, these two questions still remain unanswered and I hope to discuss it further in this essay with relating to the film Bruce Almighty.
Is there a higher power? Higher power is defined as an absolute being or divine nature and has the synonyms of deity, god, goddess, lord and many more. [1] It is a more general term used to describe the greater being we believe that exists but unsure whether or not to call God. For other religions it may be referred to as Allah, Jesus and many more. However, regarding to this question, this paper will focus on God.
God, a higher power, is defined as a “Supreme Being, the creator and ruler of the universe” or the Almighty Lord, however, there is no clear description of how he or she looks like but in the bible, Genesis 1:24 we see that God said he will make “human beings; they will be like us and resemble us…[and so] God created human beings making them to be like himself”. [2] From these two statements, we realize that God is very similar to how we look like. However, I believe that it is so to allow anyone reading the bible, or having the belief in Christianity to feel that they are able to relate and have some form of connection with God. In Exodus 3:14 he told Moses “I am who I am. You must tell them: The one who is called I AM.” [2] “I AM” is undefined and the mystery remains as to who is this higher power, but “I AM” being written in capital letters, it definitely shows authority. “I AM” is also used as a first-person point of view, which also emphasizes or helps one relate to God so that one does not feel isolated. Other than these statements, we see that the pronoun used throughout the bible is ‘he’; therefore, we tend to think that God is a masculine figure, a Father. To a certain extent, many may argue that it is
Bibliography: 1. (online) 2. Bible notes used in class. 3. Bruce Almighty (film), 2003 4. 2012/09/11, Portrayals of God in popular media, Wikipedia (online) 5. 2012/11/05, Bruce Almighty, Wikipedia (online)