
A Leader Must Have Courage. Do You Agree or Disagree with This Statement. Why? Discuss.

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A Leader Must Have Courage. Do You Agree or Disagree with This Statement. Why? Discuss.
QUESTION 4: A leader must have courage. Do you agree or disagree with this statement. Why? Discuss.

Leadership holds a unique responsibility for the followers apart from decisions and actions that relate to other matters. Especially in this modern world, the leadership role is an inevitable reflection of people 's needs and challenges. As such leadership is centrally concerned with people and it is important that good leadership includes attitudes and behaviours which characterise and relate to humanity. Driven by an increasingly complex and fast-changing world, leadership is therefore a profound concept, with increasingly complex implications.

There are many capabilities in life that relates to acquiring skills and knowledge and then applying them in a consistent way. However when it comes to leadership, it is not quite the same. Good leadership demands emotional strengths and behavioural characteristics which can draw deeply on a leader 's mental and spiritual reserves. These behaviours and attitudes are what attract followers. Leaders who exhibit strength and the ability to inspire beliefs in others tend to attract followers naturally. These portray charismatic qualities in leaders which enable effective leadership. Nevertheless, charisma by itself is not a guarantee of effective leadership.

Some people acquire the ability to lead naturally more than others. They are able to lead, in one way or another and in one situation or another than they realize, even though they do not seek to be a leader. Leadership is not exclusively for the wealthy and educated. Leadership is a matter of personal conviction and believing strongly in a cause or aim, whatever it may be. Effective leaders are followed mainly because people trust and respect them, rather than the skills they possess. Thus, leadership is about behaviour first, skills second.

Leaders play an overwhelming role in the success of a group. A leader should be knowledgeable and bold. In order for

References: Belfast Telegraph, OUR LEADERS SHOULD LEARN FROM MANDELA 'S BRAVE LEAP OF FAITH By Ed Curran (15 February 2010), LEADERSHIP; LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT METHODS AND TIPS. Harvard Business Review, HOW TO DEAL WITH THIS BRAVE NEW ECONOMY, Wednesday, February 11, 2009, by Annie McKee Middle east Forum, The Middle East Quarterly, Winter 2009, Volume XVI: Number 1, GAMAL MUBARAK: “WE NEED AUDACIOUS LEADERS” Public, BRAVE LEADERS CAN CREATE GREAT INNOVATION, Friday, July 11, 2008.

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