A New DME Production Technology and Operation Results
Yotaro Ohno
Committee member, Japan DME Forum
General Manager, NKK Corporation
Dimethyl Ether(DME) is a clean and economical alternative fuel which can be produced from various resources as natural gas, coal or biomass through synthesis gas. The properties of DME are similar to those of LPG and it can be used for various fields; power generation fuel, transportation fuel, home fuel, etc.
An innovative process of direct synthesis of DME from synthesis gas has been developed. Newly developed catalyst in a slurry phase reactor gave a high conversion and high selectivity of DME. Pilot scale plant (5 tons/day) testing has been successfully carried out since 1999 with the Japanese government support.
A feasibility study of DME Fuel System, which includes production of DME from natural gas and its transportation to Japan, indicates that DME is competitive to conventional fuels.
1. Introduction
The long- and medium-term energy demand in the Asia-Pacific Region is forecasted to be so large that energy supply and environmental problems would be substantial obstacles to realize sustainable development in this region.
The production of Dimethyl ether (DME) - a clean fuel as convenient to transport as LPG-by synthesizing from natural gas, associate gas or low rank coal for shipment to users in the surrounding countries would be extremely significant for secure energy supply and environmental conservation.
DME is now manufactured by a dehydration reaction of methanol. In order to use DME as a fuel, it must be produced at low cost in large quantities. DME synthesis technologies directly from synthesis gas are under development for these years[1,2].
NKK Corporation has been making progress in the technology development of DME synthesis from synthesis gas in a slurry phase reactor since 1989[3,4,5]. In the fundamental research, new efficient
References: (1)J.B.Hansen et al:SAE950063(Feb,1995) (2)Air products and Chemicals:DOE/PC/90018-T7(June.1993) (3)Y.Ohno:Energy total engineering,vol.20,No.1,(1997),p.45 (4)Y.Ohno et al:Preprints of Papers Presented at the 213th ACS National Meeting (San Francisco,1997),Div. Of Fuel Chemistry,P.705 (5)T.Ogawa et al:Proceedings of the 14th Annual International Pittsburgh Coal Conference and Workshop,(Taiyuan,Shanxi,China,1997), 30-3004 (6)T.Kamijo et al:The 8th coal utilization technology conference,(1998),p.194 (7)L.J.Bohnen:SoapPerfumCosmet,No.6(1979),p.300 (8)H.Daqing et al:Proc.ISAFXII,(Shanghai,1998) (9)T.Fleisch:SAE950061(Feb.1995) (10)T.Ikusawa et al: Preprint of Automobile technology institute autumn conference,(1998),No.86-98,p.13