Conflicts and challenges cause characters to change and grow. Discuss how this idea can be applied to the novel A New Kind of Dreaming.
Before Planning
Unpack the question
Highlight the three most important parts of the question. It is asking you how conflict causes a character to change and grow.
Ask yourself:
What is the definition of ‘conflict’?
Which character encounters the most conflict in ANKOD?
Which character undertakes the most changes and growth in ANKOD?
What is the difference between change and growth?
Planning Your Essay
Choosing your main ideas
Remember, each body paragraph in an essay should contain one main idea. Each of your body paragraphs should focus on a conflict or challenge that Jamie faces which causes him to change and/or grow.
The paragraph should discuss Jamie’s actions prior to the conflict or challenge, the challenge itself, and how the challenge has affected or changed him.
In the space below, brainstorm several ideas of conflicts or challenges that Jamie faces throughout the novel.
Remember, there are many types of conflict, including:
Character vs. Character Character vs. Self
Character vs. Nature Character vs. Society
Preparing your paragraphs
Clearly write out each of your main ideas for a challenge that Jamie faces.
i.e. Jamie encounters the town’s corrupt police officer, Butcher, who is determined to blame him for any problem that occurs in Port Barren.
Clearly outline Jamie’s actions before facing this challenge.
i.e. Jamie had a fixed mindset about people in positions of authority, and wanted to stay as far out of their way as possible.
Outline how this challenge affected Jamie.
i.e. Jamie was motivated by Butcher’s abuse of power and corrupt actions against him. After being left to die by Butcher, Jamie wanted to expose his actions.
Show how Jamie was a changed person as a result of this action.
i.e. As a result of this