Professor Marlow D. Davis
17 October 2012
Journal 3:
A Personal View of Classical and Operant Control Originally my fundamental learning process was one of negative reinforcement. Learning things for me as a child seemed effortless as long as it was interesting to me. With the exception of English, everything in school was appealing and worth learning. I recall that in the 3rd grade that it was possible to achieve good grades without really studying. Completing the homework seemed sufficient enough to retain the information until it was needed to be used on upcoming tests and/or as a building block for the next lesson. This way of learning seemed easy enough that even to this day it would become my primary routine for studying. The less time it took for me to grasp the concept of the lesson, the less time I spent on studying that subject. Which inevitably lead to more free-time, and a mind state doomed to a road of procrastination.
Procrastination on my part due to an external stimuli seems to be a considerable problem in my study habits. A prime example is that during the course of completing my homework my cellphone is bound to go off at some point and I always answer my phone anticipating that it is something important, but regardless of the dialog or subject matter of the conversation I always seem to wonder away from doing my school work and ultimately leaving it for a later time. Sadly, remembering to complete homework seems always to be a short term memory of mine. In the life of a short term memory, a memory that is not rehearsed or encoded is forgotten after about 20 seconds (Hockenbury & Hockenbury, 2012). Once I pack my bags any unfinished homework seems to be at risk of being that “one” assignment that wasn’t completed. The problem isn’t the will to complete the given homework nor the comprehension necessary to complete the homework, just remembering to get it done.
Applying information to yourself called the
Cited: Hockenbury, Don. Psychology. Newyork NY: Worth Publishers, (2012) Kesebir, Selin; & Oishi, Shigehiro. (2010). A spontaneous self-reference effect in memory: Why some birthdays are harder to remember than others. Psychological Science, 21(10), 1525-1531. Pavio, Allen. (2007). Mind and it’s evolution: A dual coding theoretical approach. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers.