The truth of the proverb will become clear, if we consider a few examples from day to day life. It is early in life that many bad habit is acquired and if the evil habit is not checked then and there, it grows and gives rise to many other evil habits. If a growing child tells lies, he should be at once taken to task so that the habit doesn't take roots, and he learns to tell the truth. If the child does not relish the food prepared at home or if he refuses to teak some particular dish, this bad habit should be put down in the very beginning. Fond, indulgent parents over-look such evils. They forget that in this way they are spoiling their darling child, that one evil leads to another and ultimately it would all recoil on themselves.
The point is illustrated by the well known story of the boy who acquired the evil habit of stealing and his indulgent and his fond mother did not punish him for it. He was encouraged by her attitude, and petty thefts soon led on to much greater thefts. Ultimately the result was dacoity and murder and he was sentenced to be hanged till death. His lat wish was a few words with his mother. When his mother came he pretended as if he wanted to whisper something in her ears. But when she came nearer, he cut