A first review report
(Submitted by S.R.ARTHISRI, Roll No: 1211MBA0759: Reg. No: 68512100122)
To find the reason and control measure of absenteeism in INDSYS INFOTECH
India Pvt Ltd in Coimbatore. By ana-lysing the problem, issues and draw backs because of Employee absenteeism.
1. Ernest B. Akyeampong has written a research paper Trends and seasonality in
Absenteeism. In this paper the author focus on that at which time period the employees are more absent.
In this paper he said that illness-related absences are highly seasonal, reaching a peak during the winter months (December to February) and a trough during the summer
(June to August). The high incidence in winter is likely related to the prevalence of communicable diseases at that time, especially colds and influenza. The low incidence during the summer may be partly because many employees take their vacation during these months. Because of survey design, those who fall ill during vacation will likely report „vacation‟ rather than „sickness or disability‟ as the main reason for being away from work.
Compared with the annual average, part-week absences are roughly 30% more prevalent in the winter months and almost 20% less so during the summer months.
Seasonality is much less evident in full-week absences.
2. Mariajosé Romero and Young-Sun Lee has written a research paper A National
Portrait of Chronic Absenteeism in the Early Grades. In this paper he focused on the following points:
(i) How widespread is the Problem of Early Absenteeism?
(ii) Does Family Incomes Impact Early Absenteeism?
(iii) What is the Impact of Early Absenteeism on Academic Achievement?
3. Morten Nord berg and Knut Roed has written a research paper Absenteeism,
Health Insurance and Business Cycles. In this he wants to evaluate how the economic environment
References: 1> Akerlof, G.A. (1984) Gift Exchange and Efficiency-Wage Theory: Four Views, The American Economic Review, Vol. 74, No. 2, pp. 79-83. 2> Balarajan, R., Yuen, P., Soni Raleigh, V 3> Crossley, T.F., Kennedy, S. (2002) The Reliability of self-assessed health status, Journal of Health Economics, Vol. 21, pp. 643-658 4> Damon, A., (1969) Race, Ethnic Group and Disease, Biodemography and Social Biology, Vol 5> Enterline, P.E. (1964) Sick Absence for Men and Women by Marital Status, Archives of Environmental Health, Vol. 8, pp. 466-470. 6> Fernandez, J.P 7> Gill, J. (2001) Generalized Linear Models; A Unified Approach, Thousand Oaks, CA; Sage publications. 8> Hackett, R.D 9> Isambert-Jamati, V. (1962) Absenteeism among women workers in industry, International Labour Review, vol. 85, pp. 248-261. 10> Jones, R.M 11> Kossek, E.E., Nichol, V. (1992) The Effects of On-site Child Care on Employee Attitudes and Performance, Personnel Psychology, Vol. 45, pp. 485-509. 12> Lag (1982) Om allmän försäkring, Stockholm: Sveriges Riksdag; 381 13> Morgan, L.G., Herman, J.B. (1976) Perceived Consequences of Absenteeism, Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol. 61, pp. 738-742. 14> Nicholson, N 15> Prins, R. (1990) Sickness Absence in Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands: A Comparative Study, Amsterdam, NIA. 16> Stam, S., Garssen, M.J., Kardal, M., Lodder, B.J.H 17> Yolles, S.F, Carone, P.A., Krinsky, L.W. (1975) Absenteeism in industry, Springfield, Illenois: Charles C. Thomas.