The teacher is an important person in the lives of children. Guided by the principal of the school, the teacher presents new knowledge to pupils, maintains discipline, plans learning programs, and selects learning materials such as books, objects, toys, and other instructional materials. Teaching is the responsibility of the teacher in a teaching and learning process. For this lesson, the teachers should emphasize the importance of instructional materials in conducting a lesson. Proper use of instructional materials can motivate the students in varied learning experiences as well as teaching-learning process.
Preschool programs include work activities that are designed to teach children motor skills, mental and social-emotional learning experiences. By using recycled materials they may improve their motor skills effectively and they can imaginatively make their own designs. A teacher who directs learning activities encourages social and emotional responses from the children. Providing materials with which children can experiment allows them to discover new knowledge. Younger children pay more attention to lessons that involve showing and doing activities. Education becomes exciting and meaningful for children when the teachers have used the best possible resources and present them in good lessons. Instructional supports cannot teach by themselves. They need skillful way of teaching to deliver them effectively. For the pupils to gain from the presentation of the material, the teacher must see to it that it is base from their age level, intelligence and experience (Lardizabal, 1991).
Teaching materials functions also as primary reference on how teachers should teach the learners. Due to the rise of modernization newer devices were developed and even growing faster. However, it does not mean to replace the traditional teaching materials. They are only teaching devices used to guide and assist teachers especially the