1. Earth (chapter 5)
a. Atmosphere
Oxygen (21%), Nitrogen (78%), Argon CO2 Water Vapor Helium (1%)
Layers (from closest to farthest)
Troposphere (weather)
Stratosphere (ozone)
Mesosphere (meteors)
Thermosphere (Aurora)
Exosphere (satillites)
Factors include cloud coverage, precipitation, temperature, temperature, humidity, winds, air pressure
Factors include elevation, proximity to water, distance to poles/equator
b. Biogeochemical Cycles
Carbon Cycle
Nitrogen Cycle
Phosphorus Cycle
Sulfur Cycle
Hydrologic Cycle
c. Coriolis Effect
Effect of earths rotation tends to deflect air/water toward right in Northern hemisphere and left in Southern hemisphere
Prevailing winds
Blow from north pole or south pole (polar easterlies)
Southwest in northern hemisphere or northwest in southern hemisphere (westerlies)
Tropical winds from northeast in northern hemisphere and southeast in southern hemisphere (trade winds)
d. Structure
Outermost later of rock is 7 large plates, few smaller ones
Horizontal movement, continents change relative position
Plate boundaries intense geo. activity, mountain building, volcanoes, earthquakes
2. Tragedy of the Commons (chapter 1)
Written by Garrett Hardin
Many env. Problems due to short term individual welfare vs long term sustainability
Global commons
No one has responsibility for atmosphere, freshwater, forests, wildlife and ocean
a. Sustainability
Ability to meet humanity’s needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs
3. Biomes (chapter 6)
a. Tundra
Treeless in the far north, boggy plains, small plants/mosses, very cold winters, very short summers
b. Boreal Forests
Coniferous forests (fir, pines) in northern hemisphere, south of tundra
Caribou, wolves, bears, rabbits, birds
c. Temperate Rain Forest
Coniferous biome, cool weather, dense fog, high precipitation
Northwest coast of US, Australia, Southern South