Monster horror is a subgenre of the typical horror genre which incorporates monsters and beasts into horror. These ‘monsters’ can come in many shapes and sizes and come from different places (e.g. Space or underground). An early example of monster horror is ‘Frankenstein’ (also known as ‘The Modern Prometheus’).…
According to Stenudd (N.D), Carl Jung’s theory on archetype referred to fictional type-roles like the hero. However, archetypes were also keys that symbolize human’s personality and values. Furthermore, some archetypes could be seen as mixes of other archetypes. Followed by the explanation of Golden (n.d), Jung defined 12 primary types that shown the personality of the character, motivation, and set of values. The Jungian theory suggested the primary archetypes of Self: self, ego, shadow, persona, anima/animus. This theory was applied in analyzing the complex characters in the film (Gunston 2004).…
In a world whereby diverse cultures and religions collide amongst the disparate and polarized people of our planet, there are few pervading threads that adhere the seams of human life and experience as vividly and profoundly as mythology. Emerging from the first primordial peoples of the earth, from the Occident to the Orient, mythology appears to be an almost innate and inbuilt feature of the human psyche; as religion fuels the contention of superhuman gods who perhaps once sowed the seeds of life, mythology yields the direction and guidance that we all individually require whilst balancing on the beam of existence. Timeless in nature and endlessly influential, the mythic structure reflects the journey we all experience from the cradle to the grave, whereby the fantastical monsters and heroes of yesterday now act as allegorical agents for surviving the trials and obstacles of today. These archetypes, the mystic guides we associate wholeheartedly with fantasy and exaggeration, are found not only in ancient scriptures and folklore, but also deep within the recesses of our unconscious where these characters facilitate the uncertain and perilous path of living. They exemplify how the human psyche sculpts separate dimensions to our personalities to cope with the theatrics the world stage may throw at us, whereby psychologist Carl Jung (1961) identified a particularly strong correlation between dream characters and the mythic archetypes; he postulates that they are both originating from the same source, the collective unconscious, whereby the human psyche manifests itself through mythic figures in dreams. (Jung, 1961) Myths are therefore psychologically accurate; they represent the inner mechanics of our minds, the universal cogs and gears constantly rotating the…
Horror movies bright out the demon in everyone. Normally someone would not be rooting on a person getting sawed in half with a chainsaw or getting stabbed in the back with a knife in the shower. In Steven King’s Why We Crave Horror Movies he discusses why people love horror movies so much. Of course, some people are not a fan of horror movies. Not everyone can handle the jump scares and gore, however some people can sit and watch the massacre for hours. Horror movies supply people with an adrenaline rush and a sensation of fear while bringing out the sociopath side found within everyone.…
The Gothic horror in this film is in the begging where Caleb is being watched through his computer when he wins to go to the research facility. Then, Caleb is flying over a land scape that haves to no life and is covered in snow and from there he is flown over another landscape that was like a forest and it had life. Caleb was then left in the middle of nowhere where he had to follow a river path to the building. When Caleb finally got to the building it was like a fort, or blockage area. There are no windows and just a machine speaking, then he got a key card. When Caleb enters the place there is no one around and it’s dark and there is music playing. The top half of the building was nice and peaceful, then he got to the bottom of the facility and it was a mad house with blackouts. First impression of meeting Nathan, a cool, relaxed guy, a solo party animal, who is polite to Caleb and a very intelligent man.…
Stephen Kings essay “Why We Crave Horror Movies,” he implies that we are all mentally ill. Stephan King is a New York Time best-selling author who writes in the horror and fantasy genre. Kings work today has been turned into countless successful films and movies. He started his writing career with a book called Carrie, the story of a tormented teen who seeks revenge. In Stephen Kings essay “Why We Crave Horror Movies” he says we all are mentally ill in a sense, but some of us can hide it enhanced than others.…
Archetypes are often referred to in literature as a model for which all similar things are based off of. In the film Little Miss Sunshine, the father Richard and the mother, Sheryl have two contrasting archetypes. Their very different archetypes cause them to have a frustrating relationship as parents and affect their family as well.…
Carl Jung theory is divided into three parts just as Freud’s theory is. The three are unconscious, personal unconscious, and collective unconscious. Freud and Carl embody…
Dead Poets Society: Neil takes the gun and commits suicide. Neil’s father comes rushing through the door into the study to find his son’s dead body.…
Carl Jung believed that personal unconscious and collective unconscious were the two components of the unconscious. Personal unconscious contains repressed thoughts, forgotten experiences and undeveloped ideas; while the collective unconscious contains memories and behavior patterns from previous generations (Morris, G., & Maisto, A., 2005). Jung believed that libido signified all life forces instead of Freud’s belief that libido signified just the sexual forces. Jung also believed there were two attitude types among people, introverts and extroverts. Introverts are concerned with personal feelings and issues while extroverts are interested in other people and events surrounding them.…
Carl Jung, most famously known for his work in describing archetypes, synchronicity, and the collective unconscious has shown me a new way to look at life. Archetypes reveal to humans that we are not just linked through how we look or what functions we have such as arms, hearts or breathing. Some classic archetypes in my life were such as my father was a tyrant of a man who would control everything my family did because when my family lived with him, he did not let my mom have any money to do anything or to go anywhere unless it were to go buy groceries. My father even controlled use when he and my mother were separated by making us see him on weekends when me and my sister were young. Seeing him made my mom extremely upset and he was a very abusive man overall.…
Blood, gore, death, darkness, suspense, and fear of the unusual are just a few ingredients that are stirred into making a horror film. Horror films are projected to create a psychological sense of fear; however, humans tend to enjoy and crave the heart-pumping adrenaline rush of terror. Some believe it is the calling of curiosity while others think it is the section of insanity that imbedded itself into our mind. Trepidations are not a trend that has set forth in the twenty first century; we humans hunger after the thrill of terror ever since Roman times. In addition, horror films closely relate to events like gladiators fighting at the Flavian Amphitheatre, not only because of the blood and gore, but for the audience purpose of intentionally…
There are many different types of archetypes, but I am solely going to focus on one, mine. I am of the innocent archetype and I believe it is a very important part to who I am. The traits of an innocent archetype are blissful yet dark if you see it through my eyes. There's fear of abandonment, desire to be loved, and the ability to control emotion when you need to. This has led me into a life that I am living now.…
As stated in Anthony (2001), Jung believed that through the persona we hope to get acceptance from others, and to adapt ourselves into society. The persona begins to form in early childhood, when children need to conform to the wishes and expectations of others, and learn that certain attitudes and behaviours are acceptable and others are not. They build acceptable traits into the persona and keep unacceptable traits hidden or repressed. These socially undesirable aspects are set to the personal unconscious, where they form new complex, the shadow, which is a sharp contrast to the persona, disowned subpersonality that presents itself in dreams as threatening figure possessing the same sex as the dreamer. As per Anthony (2001), for Jung animus…
Can aggressive children be predicted by the movies they are watching? People’s everyday lives are Can filled with events that trigger stimuli in the brain, even if he or she aren’t aware of it. From their friends playing pranks on them, to watching a more violent show on television, it all affects the minds in one way or another. Not only do these events or images affect kids current life, but could also lead up to adulthood such as: anxiety, heart racing, high blood pressure, etc. Everyone knows that a child learns by example; but that doesn’t change much in a teenagers case who is being exposed to violence at the prepubescent stage in life. In result to that, it can then create hostility in the teen, and they will become numb to what the…