|1. The final decision to hire an applicant usually belongs to: |15. The extent to which good performance on a test correlates with high marks on|
|a. the HR recruiter. b. the HR manager |a performance review is an example of: |
|c. line management d. co-workers |a. |
|2. The type of information obtained from an applicant should be based on: |criterion-related validity. b. content validity. |
|a. job specifications. b. job design. | |
|c. manning tables. d. the HR manager's preferences. |c. |
|3. Using selection tests to measure applicant KSAOs against competencies for |construct validity. d. cross-validation. |
|the job is called: | |
|a. EEO compliance b. person-job fit |16. Examples of criteria that can be used to validate selection procedures |
|c. person-organization fit d. indirect expense |include all of the following except: |
|4. Placing a priority on finding individuals that meet broader organizational |a. |
|requirements than job skills, including those who match the values or culture |test scores. c. performance appraisals.