Speaking on the phone
Speaking to the passengers in the back seat
No seatbelt
Driving under the influence of drugs/alcohol
Not being cautious of people crossing the road
Distracted driving
Ignoring road signs
Unsafe lane changes
Road rage
- Flat tires
- Design defects
- Equipment failure
- Brakes
- Tires
- Rain
- Hail
- Faded road signs
- Potholes
- Roadway constructions
- Animals on the road
- Traffic lights not working
4. Write down what the different types of drugs are that can affect someone's driving ability?
- Depressants
- Hallucinogens
- Stimulants
How can Stimulants effect someone's driving ability?
- You can have a false sense of confidence
- You can make rash decisions that can lead to increased risk taking behaviour
- Your visual perceptions can be distorted, which will make it difficult to judge distances
- Your driving ability and co-ordination will be lessened
- With the lack of sleep, you will actually feel more exhausted, affecting your reflexes and concentration
Examples: Caffeine, cocaine
How can Depressants effect someone's driving ability?
- Reduced coordination
- Slower reaction times
- Slower information processing
- Confusion
Examples: Sleeping pills, minor tranquilizers
How can Hallucinogens effect someone's driving ability?
- Mood changes and swings that can become severe
- Visual or auditory hallucinations
- A feeling of not being in control, or of being disconnected from reality
Examples: Magic mushrooms, mescaline