|Functional Health Pattern |Toddler |Preschool-Aged |School-Aged |
|Assessment (FHP) |Erickson’s Developmental Stage: |Erickson’s Developmental Stage: |Erickson’s Developmental Stage: |
|Pattern of Health Perception and|Toddlers rely on their parents for|Preschoolers now have an interest of being curious |School age children perceive health as by germ theory,|
|Health Management: |health promotion. Parents should |about the body of the opposite sex. |punishment theory, or external forces theory. |
| |model the perceptions and behavior|The perception of their external body is based on |They understand their health regarding symptoms, and |
|List two normal assessment |desired for health promotion. |they see and do, but internally is vague. |are able to participate in health promotion. |
|findings that would be | | | |
|characteristic for each age | | | |
|group. | | | |
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