During the Middle Ages, civilization was only beginning to form itself and there were many aspects of social life that went through stages of development until it became what it is today. If you compare the middle ages to our time, there are differences is almost every one of these aspects, such as type of government, traditions and lifestyle.
As an introduction to better understand the literary works of this time period and to better understand where the authors are coming from and why things are described the way they are, it is suggested that we, as readers, investigate what it was like to live in that period in history to better understand the different aspects that are stated above. There are multiple choices of topics that are of importance with one of them being crime and punishment.
We know that the Middle Ages were dark times for those that stood under the command of the laws. This paper describes the situation that people found themselves in and the general environment of the era in regards to crime and punishment, as well as the different types of punishment that served as consequences for one or the other crime.
The Middle Ages is the period of history encompassing one of the most exciting and turbulent times in English history. Society was really taking its turn but some things needed to be fixed before law and order could be restored.The Middle Ages was an era when times were particularly hard, especially for lower class citizens. The living conditions in general were very poor, there was little to no systematic organization of how things worked in society and a lot of the times it was hard to control the masses since there were no set rules, no equality and no one to turn to. The nobles however, being the most influential and powerful people of that time, needed to control the people so that things would not completely fall out of order. Therefore, the way to control the people was to gain their