Week 7- 7/8/15
Thomas Mitchell
Grantham University
Instructor: Dr. Gonzalez
The purpose of this paper is to focus on e-commerce initiatives. In today’s world, with its advancing technology, it is becoming normal for businesses to develop strategies for online sales. As more and more people turn to the Internet for their needs, they are buying more products and services from stores that have an online presence. This paper will focus on how e-commerce initiatives are being presented to expand a company’s presence on the Internet. It will also focus on how many companies are teaming up to develop strategies and initiatives that will benefit both companies. Making sure to use sound strategies is important to the success of a company’s e-commerce presence. All of this and more will be presented in the pages of this paper.
E-Commerce Initiatives It has become normal over the past few years for established businesses to develop and adopt e-commerce strategies. Gone are the days when the question was whether a business should have an e-commerce (EC) strategy. Those days have been replaced with questions such as, “When will a business have an e-commerce strategy?” or “ How many e-commerce sites should be part of the overall strategy?” (Taddonio, 2011). Without doubt, setting up and maintaining e-commerce sites for a company is responsible for the overall success of the business today. This applies whether a singular company is involved or teams up with other companies or with an application service provider (ASP) to form an association or a joint venture (Lang, 2000). No matter how it is handled, one of the first steps in establishing an e-commerce initiative is to identify the benefits and costs of such an initiative (Schneider, 2015). In almost all cases, the benefits of a well-planned initiative will far outweigh the costs. What are some of the benefits of an e-commerce venture for a business? There are
References: Burnson, P. (2013, 2 8). Endicia Praises USPS for its E-Commerce Initiative. Retrieved 7 12, 2015, from Logistics Management: http://www.logisticsmgmt.com/article/endicia_praises_usps_for_its_e_commerce_initiative Heshmeyer, M. (2011, 4 27). Toys R Us, Walmart Expanding E-Commerce Initiatives. Retrieved 7 12, 2015, from costar.com: http://www.costar.com/News/Article/Toys-R-Us-Walmart-Expanding-E-Commerce-Initiatives/128255 Lang, A. (2000, 8 1). Expeditions In E-Commerce. Retrieved 7 12, 2015, from asaecenter.org: http://www.asaecenter.org/Resources/articledetail.cfm?ItemNumber=13084 Schneider, G. (2015). Electronic Commerce (11th ed.). (A. Brodkin, Ed.) Stamford, CT, USA: Cengage Learning. Retrieved May 28, 2015, from www.cengage.com Taddonio, L. (2011, 6 1). The Tremendous Transformative Powers of B2B E-Commerce. Retrieved 7 12, 2015, from E-ommerce Times: http://www.ecommercetimes.com/story/72561.html