Outdoor - Due to low levels of activity, the calorie intake is more than the energy utilized throughout the day. This leads to increase in fat cell deposition, which in turn leads to obesity. Your skin needs to breathe too. A morning or evening walk not only helps in the distribution of fat cells but also makes you feel fresh. Walking short distances instead of using a vehicle helps relax your stressed muscles. Using a bicycle or a pair of skates to get to work or shopping will only make you feel fresh. It also helps to keep your joints in perfect shape so as to avoid orthopedic disorders like osteoporosis.
Eat well - Daily exercise alone is not the key to a healthy lifestyle. Combining a healthy diet with a regular exercise regime will help you reap greater benefits than either individually. Eating healthy makes the fat cells smart, and when your body undergoes physical activity the smarter fat cells help the rate of metabolism. Make sure you satisfy your hunger by eating healthy food instead of indulging in junk food.
Drink well - Water rinses toxins from your body. It increases the flow of blood, cools down your body temperature internally, helps in digestion and keeps your skin supple as it is a natural