Home: a universal term known to many, as a “place or region where something is native or most common” and finds relief (Dictionary.com, home #5); ironically home to many in this world has become a place of fear, families/societies fighting for a place to call their own. One place in particular that, has many fighting for their homes, has come under much controversy and dispute in today’s politics: The Gaza Strip, known as the Israel and Palestine conflict. A place that Jews originally fled to as a safe haven from the Nazi regime became a symbol of destruction to the Palestinians, who were initially settled there. This 60 year conflict is a dispute over land, a place to call home for both sides. This political problem has led to the deaths of many innocent civilians and has raised serious question of American intentions and interference. This war has led to 24,813 Palestinians homes being demolished, 243 illegal Jewish-only settlements, and 1,092 Israelis killed and 6,537 Palestinians killed (Weir). Although, all this seems to be between Israel and Palestine, America has/is playing as a catalyst to the conflict; during the 2011 fiscal year America provided Israel with 8.2 million dollars a day for military aid while providing Palestine with no money for military aid (Weir). In addition, when Israel seems to dislike any American actions, the American government feels as if they are losing Israel from their grasp, which causes America to blindly favor Israel unreasonably. Though both sides have faced horrific tragedies, I believe that Palestinians must be given back some of their land as well as being equally represented in the UN, in hopes to settle the dispute, not just between Israel and Palestine but the other Arab Nations as well.
Since Israel was founded no official documents state the exact boundaries of the country’s land, and do to that over sight it has started to outreach its boundaries cutting into Palestinian inhabited