Section I: Introduction:
Jeffrey Dahmer was one of the most well known serial killers ever. Dahmer was no ordinary serial killer. He was a killer, necropheliac, and a cannibal. The purpose of this report is to learn more about this serial killer.
Section II: Overview
"Jeffrey Dahmer was born May 21, 1960, at Evangelical Hospital in Milwaukee, Wisconsin" (Blakey).
"Jeffrey Dahmer was found beaten by fellow inmates on the morning of November 28, 1994, as was pronounced dead at 9:11 a.m." (Blakey).
Jeffrey Dahmer given life imprisonment on 15 counts of murder committed in Wisconsin and one committed in Ohio, for which he was tried separately. "He was sentenced to fifteen consecutive life terms for a total of 957 years in prison." (Schwartz p. 44)
Section III: Early Age
Jeffrey Dahmer was a very shy and isolated at an early age. Dahmer had fantasies about killing men and having sex with their corpses. Despite these early tendencies during his childhood, Dahmer didn't fulfill these fantasies until after he graduated from high school in June 1978 (Schwartz p 33). Dahmer picked up a hitchhiker by the name of Steven Hicks, and eventually Hicks became Dahmer's first victim. Dahmer enrolled at Ohio State University, only to flunk out within one semester. Next, Dahmer joined the army at the end of 1978, but was discharged for alcoholism and went to live in Florida.
After returning to Ohio, Dahmer was then arrested in October of 1981 for drunken and disorderly conduct, so his father sent him to live with his grandmother in West Allis, Wisconsin. Dahmer had a couple of sexual legal incidents, then kept cool for about four years. In 1987, Dahmer killed his second victim, Steven Toumi and went on a killing spree soon after (Schwartz).
"Most of Dahmer's victims were homosexual, African-American men.
Dahmer was actively killing from June 1978 to July 22, 1991" (Pringle).
Section III: Childhood