First Year Laboratory
Semester 2
Energy Transport and Conversion
Dr Schofield
3-Phase power system investigations
To introduce 3-phase power systems as a common method to transmit electrical power over long and short distances.
To investigate the effects of 3-phase loads on electrical power systems
To investigate the differences between DELTA and STAR connections
Introduction to 3-Phase Power Systems
3-phase power systems are a common form of transmitting electrical power (energy) from generation to load centres. This is due to a number of technical reasons the main ones being: power transfer is constant into a linear and balanced load, and the improvement in equipment power density throughout the whole system.
In this experiment we investigate some properties of 3-phase power systems when supplying STAR and DELTA loads, and the supply of power via transmission lines.
There is an icon on the desktop “”, please ‘Double click’ on the icon.
You should now see the LABVIEW screen image as shown below.
As can be seen, the left hand side of the screen illustrates oscilloscope outputs and questions are asked on the right hand side of the screen.
To start, first run the program by clicking on the ‘Run’ icon on the toolbar of the Front
Panel, or use the short key Ctrl+R. Then follow the steps through the exercises.
Phase sequence is R-G-B
(because yellow does not show up very well)
The oscilloscope outputs represent system waveforms from which “real” system measurements can be taken. The measured values taken from the curser set-points therefore have a tolerance of about +/- 5%, as you may experience with a practical measurement. Observe the traces on the workstation left side panel, take measurements and answer the following questions.