By: Rholynds Chryse Gonzalo and Lauren Ian Marie Magtira
LPU implemented a new enrollment process under the ACademic Information Management System (AIMS) last April and first semester of academic year 2014-2015.
Aside from online enrollment, AIMS manages the student's entire academic record and financial account. It provides a centralized data storage that serves as a single source of information. This replaced the MyLPU Student Online Inquiry operated by the Lyceum Integrated School System that served as the student academic profile.
The local pilot session of the online enrollment was held ladt April during the summer term since there were fewer students. It wad continued this semester but still with the assistance of enrollment advisers.
The full deployment of the system, where students can enroll even outside the campus, will be on the second semester of this AY.
Enrollees outside LPU can access through Still enrollment rooms will be provided for students who want the manual procedure enrolling in the university.
In addition, Lyceans can choose subjects and schedule at the registration tab, and the mode of payment. Once saved, unofficial assessment form can be printed and presented to the LPU cashier for payment. Information and Communication Technology Department (ICT) Director devy Galang said, "It has been a long program before, but it was implemented already because we see the need to be competitive with other schools. We see demand and the need of our students."
Moreover, it is a university initiative program. LPU is looking forward to apply imoroved and modern ways of enrollment for the convenience of stakeholders.
Even students are hoping for this kind of enrollment as seen in BISA( Best Innovative Suggestive Award)
However, Galang said the success of the new system of the system is on the success of the new cirricula. "It will be a failure in terms of