1. The Cycle of opposites (things) arguments, by Socrates, for immortality
Everything that has an opposite, comes to be from its opposite, and from no other source
Coming to be or generation simply means that something comes to be what it is (from that thing) which is its opposite (Everything that actually has an opposite). Ex. Opposite of chair? Nothing. Opposite of Comfy chair = uncomfy chair.
If something has come to be faster then is must originally have been slower
Socrates frames his examples as comparatives
Comparatives end in -er or have a word like more, or less in front of them.
If something comes to be bigger, it must have once been smaller
Between any pair of opposites there is always 2 processes or generations
Ex. Something bigger comes to be smaller through the process of getting smaller and vice versa
Slower faster
Hotter colder
Opposite things are also generated from one another
Awake --> sleep (falling asleep)
Asleep --> awake (waking up)
Unless Nature is lame, or imperfect, it must go in both directions (there must be reciprocity)
Without reciprocity
How can you possibly account for the continuation of life in general?
There will never be a time when nothing will be alive. There is no spontaneous generation (out of nothing,